Ahhh the party season... Dinner parties, office parties, (intimate one-on-one parties)...
Definitely the most wonderful time of the year, especially when it involves dining out with amazing food and unforgettable wine to lighten the mood and spread festive joy.
If you're the one ordering the wine for everyone at your table this holiday, here’s your chance to shine. Oh sure, you'll say you just want to order something that your friends will enjoy, but deep down a small part of you wants to land a discovery so OTT impressive that everyone around the table stops. for at least a few seconds. takes in what they just experienced and sigh in utter awe.
“OMG. Wow!"
6 little letters guaranteed to make you the hero of the night and raise the wine bar for... ever.
We know. It happened to us, too.
Now, there are wines and then there are ... the Wow! wines. the eye poppers. the ‘bucket list you never knew you had’ wines. The ‘take you to a place you’ve never been before’ wines. The ‘died and gone to heaven’ wines. These 3 wines -that are going to make you a hero among your friends - are the latter.
So, get your hero cape ready and prepare to wow and be wowed beyond your winest dreams.
There you have it... the ROCK STAR, the LEGEND and the GODDESS - the 3 secrets to bringing ‘OMG.WOW!’ to your holiday gathering. Be warned. Their “eye popping” magic is not for every day, but then again, neither is your Christmas dining at OCEANOS where you’re in for one ‘bar raising’ celebration, beyond your winest dreams!